Sortec Aarberg AG - collection partner since 2015
Sortec Aarberg AG has been a collection partner of "Bring Plastic back" since 2015 and currently serves ten municipalities. In 2021, Sortec Aarberg AG collected a total of 158,248 kg of plastic in collection bags.
Why do you offer the collection bag?
We firmly believe that plastic is ecologically too valuable to simply burn. If there is an opportunity to recycle it, you should do so. Our customers share this conviction with us. Awareness of recycling has increased in recent years and it is important to people that their waste is recycled as sensibly as possible.
Why did you opt for the "Bring Plastic Back" collection system?
We were one of the first partners of "Bring Plastic back". The collection system and separate plastic collection were still in their infancy when we sold the first bags in 2015. When the system was presented to us by InnoRecycling AG, we were immediately convinced that this idea was sustainable. It was shown very transparently what is possible in the field of plastic recycling, but also what is not yet possible. Because of this openness, we decided to work with "Bring Plastic back". This is because you can see exactly how and where the collected plastic is processed. We quickly realized that nothing was being kept from us, but that a look behind the scenes was also being revealed.
How did the collaboration with "Bring Plastic back" come about?
We heard about the "Bring Plastic back" collection system from friends and contacted InnoRecycling AG to become a collection partner. We were then provided with information and advertising materials and supported so that we could inform both our employees and our customers about the new offer. The whole introduction was quick and uncomplicated.
What is your experience of working with "Bring Plastic back"?
Working with "Bring Plastic back" is very straightforward and transparent. Problems are tackled in a solution-oriented way and solved quickly. The collection system is very innovative and determined - things are moving forward.
How have your customers reacted?
Most of our customers think the collection bag is a great thing and are enthusiastic about collecting plastic. Many would also like the collection to be made easier if their municipality were to introduce separate plastic collection. However, there are also some who have heard bad things about plastic collection or are not yet up to date with the latest plastic recycling options. In such cases, we are happy to provide information and clarify any untruths. Thanks to the transparency of the material cycle of "Bring Plastic back", we have a counter-argument to almost all the arguments of the "opponents" and can provide clarification.
Do you have a special experience with "Bring Plastic Back"?
Two experiences amused us in the office: our collection grids are video-monitored and so we were once able to see a gentleman enthusiastically throw his collection bag into the grid, but unfortunately not far enough, the bag fell onto the edge and burst. He looked around briefly and then collected all the plastic in an exemplary manner and threw it loosely into the grid. The second story happened on a busy Saturday. A couple drove to our yard together, each disposing of different recyclables. They then dropped off the collection bag together. He got into the car and drove off - without his wife.